Friday, April 04, 2008

Random thoughts blog

I have a few minutes so I am going to post a few random thoughts that I have been having.

1. I only have a few more weeks left in Provo. My missionaries were moved to a different room in the MTC last week. We are on the 5th floor and from the windows you can see all around the city of Provo. It is a beautiful place! I am going to miss it.

2.I am really excited for General Conference. I have felt a lack of direction for what I want to focus on for the next couple of months. It feels like I am sitting around waiting for Med-School to start. Which I guess is exactly what I am doing. I am excited to hear what we need to focus on as church and as individuals.

3. The economy of our country amazes me. I am taking Econ 110 this semester and I learning a lot. I am not sure how good I am going to do on the final but I didn't take it for the grade. I just wanted to learn basic economics. If there is one thing I have learned while taking it, it is this, no one really knows what is going on. There are trends and statistical likelihoods, but no real facts. We seem to blame people a lot for what is going on in our economy. We blame people for controlling to much or we blame people for not controlling enough. From what I now understand, which is admittedly very little, our economy is so huge, well over 13 or 14 trillion dollars, no one really knows what is going on. To me its kind of like a puppy growing into a dog. Sure, when you first get it he was cute and fun to play with, but then he gets bigger and bigger until you can't control him any more you can try and fence your garden, or train him to go in your yard, or not rip off your windows, or not tear apart you porch but really he is going to do what he wants when he wants. That was the first analogy that came to mind. Sorry.

4. I am married to a beautiful woman that is smarter than me, funnier than me, more spiritual than me, a better cook than me, etc... I am a happy man and life is good!