Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I am here thinking about starting to study for my last final of the semester(Organic Chemistry) and I thought to myself,"This information I am studying really as very little, if any at all, application to my life." However, as I think these words, there are most likely thousands of people( nerdy people) using the same info to create a medicine or find a cure of somekind that could help thousands maybe even millions of people. I find that amusing. Almost any bit of information that I can acquire I could use to benefit the world. (Maybe not me, but someone could) I think that is an empowering thought, the more information I can get in me the more effective I can be at using to help people. Kind of like Macgyver(not the dog), the man knows everything and can use and apply it to any situation. With that I have decided to follow the same professional path as Macgyver. You have friends like Pete Thorton and Jack Dalton, and you get to help people. I like it.

Monday, April 24, 2006

I hope you enjoy your trip through my blog. I could think of only two titles for it. Pain or Dreaming Big. Pain becaue it strikes fear in to the mind of anyone who decides to visit my sight and Dreaming Big because it is inspiring. I decided to go with the more inspiring title. Enjoy.