Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I have tried on 3 or 4 different occasions to figure out how to get Laura's blog linked to mine. I have failed on all 3 attempts. Why make it so hard? I can't read the stupid HTML stuff. Anyway, the link is www.sunflowerpuppy.blogspot.com. I have failed my future wife on my first attempt to provide. Someone else do it for me. Later


Tyler said...

Get used to it Adam, it probably won't be the last time she tastes of your failure.

But that's the great thing about marriage, especially the eternal kind you guys are preparing for. She is not marrying you so that you will never fail her and she will continue to love you despite (and because of) your failures. You don't have to be perfect for each other, just real!

As for your problem, blogger.com has made it all automated now so you don't have to mess with the html code like before. You should be able to choose the template and just enter in her name and her address. Try it again, 4th time's the charm!

Danalin said...

Here's what you do...on your dashboard you click on "Manage: Layout". (If that doesn't show up, which it should, then you just have to find where it gives you the option to do the layout. Layout makes it so that you don't have to do HTML anymore. Or I think if you click on 'page Elements" under Template it will bring it up as well. Sorry if this is confusing.)

Then it will show you all of your links to the right. Click on "Add a page element". Then select "Link List". You can title your list whatever you want, put Laura's (and then the rest of the fam if you so choose)address under New Site URL and her name under New Site Name. Click on "Add Link" and then "Save Changes" and you're done! Hope it works for you.

Dad said...

I agree with what Ty and Dana have told you. It is exactly what I was going to say.

Good luck. Give me a call if it doesn't work.
