Sunday, March 29, 2009


Mid to Late January

Late February, maybe early March

March 29, 2009 (She looks bigger than this picture shows)

Just this last week Laura had someone ask her about being pregnant form someone that she hadn't told she was pregnant. We take this to mean that she officially looks very pregnant. Several people have mentioned how small Laura is for being less than 3 months away from the due date. I think Laura feels plenty big. The baby is doing great and is kicking a lot. We have had several belly rumblers as we were both watching.

We are in the middle of a debate on what we should name her. The top choices are as follows
1. Jane Ivy Foster
2. Lilia (Margaret or Helen) Foster - Maybe Lilya
3. Lucy Ann Foster
4. Ashley Naomi Foster

It is really between the top two but 3 and 4 are names we were discussing earlier on. Any input?


Dad said...

I personally volt for Lucy Ann Foster. And if that doesn't fly then I vote for Lucy Michael Foster. Take your pick.


Goose said...

Drew, no questions asked. Remember that Drew is effective for both a girl and a boy. I don't know why that will help, but it might. They all sound like good names to me, except Lucy Michael Foster. Stay away from that one. Although Drew Lucy Foster has a nice ring to it.

Mark said...

Laura's pregnant? You can't even tell.

Personally, I'm liking Lucy Ann. Very cute name.

What happened to Annihilation (Annie)?

Angie said...

Hey! Great pics! Laura looks so cute. All of your name choices are really great, so you can't go wrong.

Aren't those belly-rumblers fun?

Felipe and Erika said...

I love Jane Ivy:)