Monday, March 19, 2007

Adam's CD cover
This baby is going to rock

The Playlist
1. The Roads We Walk
2. Dreamgirl
3.Off the Ground
4. Awake My Soul
5. Brad's Song

I think it is going to be entitled RISE and not Arise but I need to talk to my roomate about changing that. A guy in my ward took the picture, and my roomate Doug added the lettering. There is going to be a release party sometime before the end of the semester. Rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Jeff said...

Pure Sweetness Addie. I love the pic and the album will rock!

Danalin said...

How do we acquire a copy? Do we need to camp out or what? Let us know because we'll do whatever it takes! :)

Dad said...

I love the album. Make sure and give a credit to your Dad on the liner notes. You know something like, 'My Dad is great and I owe him everything and I couldn't have done this without him" Doesn't matter if it is true or not, just that the old man gets his due.

I wish you would put some other songs on it before you release it. I mean we only get 5 songs...for what?.....something like $15. We need more of the Ad's sweet pipes on this baby.


Mark said...

Nice picture, Ad. Forget medical school and bank it all on a recording career . . . trust me, you'll have more fun.

Angie said...

Such a cool cover design! And we already know that the songs are pure gold. Good luck at the release party! Wish we could be there. Actually, I was just watching the video of Jeff's release party for Moon Songs. You're probably already planning on this, but you should video tape your performance. The footage will be priceless!

Wendi said...

Rock on, Ad-Bad!