Monday, May 22, 2006

This was a really fun date that my roomate put together. It was a treasure hunt that led us up through this canyon and then on top of the cliffs. I am the guy in the blue and Laura is the girl walking next to me. These very impressive cliffs. Comparable to the cliffs of despair.

This is a picture of me and Laura standing in front of the sunset. Adam is looking so studly and Laura is looking so good.


Jeff said...

So the mystery woman is revealed! Looks like a pretty sweet hike. Adam could be looking a little more studly though.

Mark said...

So this is where you are spending your free time. I was wondering because every time I call you I get that pathetic message and no Addie. I think maybe if you spent a little more time in the library and a bit less climbing the mountains the grades my improve.

I agree that Laura is captivating and you, well, you are just the same old Addie. A good, good man.


Wendi said...

Laura is a pretty lady, and the guy next to her ain't so bad either. ;-)

So, when will we get to meet her?

Matthew said...

It's about time yew gotcherself a woman, Addie. She's lovely.

And BTW, I assume you were referring to the cliffs over in the KC Ranch valley. They are the cliffs of INSANITY, not despair.

Mark said...

Shouldn't a man who's posting pictures of a lovely young lady on his blog introduce that same young lady to his family?

What are the plans, Ad? We're all anxious to meet Laura!

Where are those cliffs, anyway?